This privacy policy reveals how this website uses users’ information and how cookies used on the website work.

There is only one way in which users are asked to submit emails on this website. A user can submit an email using the space provided under the “Subscribe to free e-mail delivery” gadget.

Emails submitted here are only used to notify users of the latest post on the website.

Cookies are used to help keep track of a visitor’s activity on a website. Information such as user preference is stored so as to give the user a better experience on the next visit. Cookies are stored on the user’s computer to help identify the user.

This website is based on blogger so google could use certain cookies such as analytics cookies and AdSense cookies.

Analytics is just about counting visits to sites and the place they come from.

Advertising Cookies
Advertising cookies are used to help provide advertisers with the right kind of customers. It’s all about trying to link the right advertiser to the right customer.

To know more about use of cookies by google, click here

Visitors from the European Union get a notification about cookies once they land on any page on this website. This notification will ask for their consent on the website’s use of cookies and also provide a link for these visitors to learn more about cookies before taking any action.

Site Links
There are no links to external sites on this website but the forum page can be filled with external link because visitors could paste links while interacting with other members of the forum. Users are solely responsible for the websites they choose to visit while making use of the luke7v35 forum. The forum is located at but controlled by luke7v35 admin.