Life Quotes 2

I’ll forgive but just can’t forget because I don’t want to let you do the same thing to me again and moreover, that’s just how the mind works - it just can’t forget some things.
If you keep allowing the wrong thing a time will come when it will begin to look and feel like the right thing.

Running away from a problem does not solve the problem. Most of the problems you run away from always have a way of getting back to you.

Successful people work with a plan. You can’t be really productive without a plan. Have a plan for each task, day, week, month and year. Have a plan for your life. Do well to stick to your plan; improvise ONLY WHEN NECESSARY and you will see how high you can go in a little time.
Always strive to be of the highest value to God and man wherever you are in the land of the living. Do not waste your potentials.

“Nine days are for the thief and the tenth day is for the owner of the property” but do you know one thing about the tenth day? From the tenth day onward, the owner remains in control; even till the end of time.

People only walk with you or spend time with you because you either accept what they do or you do the same kind of things they do or both. When you start doing different things you will see that the connection will be cut off on its own. Can two walk together except they agree? Amos 3:3

The teacher will never be able to teach you everything about a particular thing or subject. You will always have to learn more.

Most of the events that occur in your life are the ones you allow or choose. The situation you are in today is the one you choose years ago or you probably refused to make a decision so the situation choose you. Even the bible confirms it in Romans 6:16.

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